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Teacher's Nook

Heart-Centered Educational Resources

In less than two minutes, you can wake up your class, reconnect with your students, smile, and breathe together. This song and movement practice si great for brain breaks in the classroom, sitting at the kitchen table doing dreaded homework, and calming warm-ups for kids' yoga teacher classes!

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Plug and play your state flower, tree, and bird along with movement, breath, and reflection questions to deepen your connection to your students as you learn about the state in which you live.

Read the Article in Yoga + life Magazine:

It’s important to remember that some children learn through active participation, while others thrive in a more observant role. If a student quietly observes when a lesson is first introduced, it’s perfectly fine. They will join in when they feel ready, and rest assured, they are still learning even while watching... 

Body and mind connect through conscious motions. The breath is added to deepen this awareness and unites all three. A still mind, calm breath, and strong body can support balance in all aspects of life. You can use this to remember these principles: The 4 B’s--Brains, Body, Breath and Balance...

This is a big month that is filled with political division and we want to offer you, your classrooms, and homes, a “peace” of pumpkin pie with a guided Loving-Kindness Meditation.

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