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Dear Authors,

Thank you for your interest in being part of this literary movement. We know the dedication, love, and trust it takes to hand over your thoughtfully crafted words and illustrations. We want to collaborate with you in creating a mindful movement component that will serve different learning styles and enhance your author visits!

Submit Your Application and Share Why You Want to Collaborate With Move With Me Books


  1. A beautiful, professionally curated video of your story. A mindful movement lesson plan of your book that your readers will embody through breath, mindfulness, and movement. 

  2. A signed agreement that if your book is monetized on YouTube, you will receive a royalty distribution. A link to buy your book will be published alongside the video.

  3. You are a part of this groundbreaking movement that brings diverse and engaging literary experiences to children worldwide.

Now, let's talk about the book you are submitting!

Please upload a .pdf file of your book.

Step by Step from Creation to Completion

  1. Submit Your Application.

  2. Receive an Acceptance or a No Thank you Letter.

  3. Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call with Mindful Movement Educator Rachel Glowacki.

  4. Sign a contract stating our agreement.

  5. Pay a service fee.

  6. Submit Bio Pic and Book Cover. 

  7. Rachel and Carly will curate a lesson plan and video of your book on the Move With Me Books YouTube Channel.

  8. Review the video.

  9. Your book will be featured in our monthly newsletter and on our Video Library with a link to buy your book, in addition to social media channels.

  10. A link will be provided for you to use on your website.

Upon review and approval, we will celebrate by purchasing a signed copy of your book to display and read from during your MWMB video.

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